Hire Freelance Vue.js Developers

Frankfurt / Germany

Vue.js Developers in Frankfurt

Need Vue.js developers in Frankfurt?

JS Agency can assess your needs and provide you with freelance/contract Vue.js developers right away.

Whether you're looking to take developers in-house or need them to work remotely we can supply developers to suit your needs.

Vue is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. Unlike other monolithic frameworks, Vue is designed from the ground up to be incrementally adoptable.

The core library is focused on the view layer only, and is easy to pick up and integrate with other libraries or existing projects.

If you need Vue.js developers that are based in Frankfurt or surrounding areas then just either fill out our Contact Form below or call our UK head office on +44117 205 0086.

How JS Agency works

JS Agency's rigorous vetting process removes the risks and guarantees the best Javascript Developers at competitive daily rates.

100% Developers
Communication solely with developers, not recruiters!
100% Transparency
Clear pricing structures, available to all parties.
Contract Management
Digitally signed contracts: extending contracts is simple.
Time sheet Management
Time sheets signed off digitally.


Jordan Leigh

Jordan, currently working as a Node.js Developer at Ecotricity, is the Chief Technology Officer of JS Agency.

Jordan established JS Agency as a secondary business in conjunction with his freelance company. The business was born through a combination of an ever increasing number of work requests and limited capacity.

Jordan therefore, through JS Agency, can continue to take on and manage new projects or provide clients with high level developers to be used in-house.

Other Technologies


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JS Agency - hp
JS Agency - drive-tribe
JS Agency - arcadia-group
JS Agency - immersive-labs


Registered Company No. 9713541
J Agency Limited
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